Relief for real life.

Our motto — relief for real life — embodies every product we sell.

We believe that everyone deserves relief... from a long day, from too many hours worked, from a nagging lower back that just won't quit.

We hope, through our products, to facilitate that comfort. To remind you that it's OK to kick your shoes off at the end of the day and take a minute for yourself.

What we are best at

Our Specialties

In-home acupressure
Acupressure relief: at home, on your time, on your terms.
Topical medicines
From traditional to holistic — pain relief creams of all types.
Homeopathic medicines
Treating various ailments in a natural, drug-free way.
Gua sha tools
An ancient Eastern method for relieving pain and aiding overall wellness.
Support cushions
Who couldn't use a little support?
Cold therapy
A timeless, natural therapy for muscle pain, recovery and so much more.
Want to learn more?
Whether you're a prospective retail partner or a customer, we'd love to hear from you.
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